The Position of Strength

Dante Valerian's Public Blog

The Stock Market Reaches our Upside Targets. Whatโ€™s Next?

For the past two weeks, we've noticed some dramatic changes in the market’s health, which I wrote about in our member reports.

The broadest measures of the stock market – especially in markets outside the U.S. – have been sending us clear bullish signals…

…and for the past two weeks, we’ve used those signals to make easy profits here at Strategic Trading.

Let’s look at exactly how market conditions have changed… and what that means for all of us going forward.


 On October 9th, the Market Conditions Index Algorithm flashed a buy signal.

The Market Conditions Index Algorithm (MCI) is the key secret to our success at the Strategic Trading Community.

The MCI measures changes in the market’s Liquidity (health) and Money Flows (the direction in which big institutional orders are going).

I created the MCI Algorithm to tell me what’s really going on in the market... And over...

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